quarta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2012

Campanha Nacional de sensibilização contra a Hepatite C - exibição gratuita até fevereiro!

Campanha de conscientização da hepatite C. Estão sendo feitos exames de graça para a Sociedade de Gastroenterologia local ter a idéia da prevalência dessa infecção silenciosa.

Os efeitos a longo prazo são: cirrose e câncer!

Prevenir as complicações e fazer o tratamento precoce são a solução!
A campanha será realizada até fevereiro!

Repassem aos seus contatos!!

UAE residents are being urged to take advantage of free Hepatitis C tests offered by the “National Hepatitis C Awareness Campaign”, led by the Emirates Medical Association’s - Gastroenterology Society. The program, which is sponsored by Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., (Dubai Branch), will continue for the period of two months ending in February.  Official partners of the campaign are UAE Red Crescent, Zakat Fund and Patients’ Friends Committee. 30 volunteer students from Colleague of Medicine and Health Sciences – United Arab Emirates University also join the campaign and will conduct the screening activities throughout the UAE. 
International figures suggest that 30% of people with Hepatitis C are unaware they are infected with the silent killer. Raising public awareness and organizing testing and screening activities are of vital importance. Despite of the serious situation and the fact that Hepatitis C is widely spread with four times more people infected than HIV and can lead to death over the course of 20 years, high lack of about this disease 
still remains. 
There are approximately 180 million people around the world who are infected with Hepatitis C, with the World Health Organization estimating in 2000 that 3 to 4 million people become newly infected every year.  These are big numbers that none of us should ignore.  In fact, 92% of Eastern Mediterranean region governments report that hepatitis C is considered and urgent public health issue.

Emirates Medical Association
P.O.Box. 6600. Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 255 6655
Fax: +971 4 255 6363

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